Stephanie Palmer

I am so grateful for my Peace Corps' experience!  I served in Togo from 2001-2004 and met wonderful friends, both Togolese and American; loved living in my little village; and developed my career interests. Before being placed as a CHAP volunteer (Community Health and AIDS Prevention), I had no interest in health. But my village was endemic for Guinea worm disease and I became fascinated. I have now spent nearly my entire career working in the rewarding field of Neglected Tropical Diseases. 

In the last few years, I have reconnected with Togo through joining the board of Pathways Togo (, a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive support to a group of over 60 young women throughout their education.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested to learn more about Neglected Tropical Diseases or Pathways Togo! 

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Stephanie Palmer

Stephanie Palmer

First Country of Service
Togo 2001-2004
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Washington, DC